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Jimkata shares his new video "Wanna Go"

Photo du rédacteur: NEW KGNEW KG


New video "Wanna Go"

New single and accompanying visuals from Ithaca/Los Angeles based trio Jimkata. Entitled “Wanna Go” the track narrates the negative effects of social media and how it can make us feel insignificant at times. Quirky melodies and funk-fueled basslines provide the backdrop for their layered harmonies, emitting a summery, feel-good sensation. 

Jimkata has garnered acclaim from publications such as Billboard and Culture Collide, as well as gaining a loyal grassroots following by performing relentlessly.

Jimkata are a three-piece anthemic, synth-washed, electro-rock band based out of Ithaca and Los Angeles. With a triumph of swirling analog synths, infectious pop hooks and candid lyrics, Jimkata have built a distinct sound which has been resonating with listeners across the country. 

Friends since middle school, Evan Friedell, Aaron Gorsch and Packy Lunn infuse Jimkata, (named after the so-bad-it’s-good 1985 gym-fu caper Gymkata) with both an adventurous musical streak and relatable lyrical themes. Mixed in with the modern synth sensibilities and hard driven indie rock are influences drawn from the likes of Motown, singer-songwriters like James Taylor and even old country songs, where storytelling and a quick turn of phrase share priorities with melody and the beat. Jimkata have concocted an unusually rich and rewarding mix and one that’s evolved naturally. 

After taking a two and a half year hiatus following the release of six studio albums and the successful building of a vibrant, grassroots fanbase, Jimkata are back with a vibrant new single and accompanying visuals for "Wanna Go".

“Wanna Go” narrates the negative effects of social media and how it can make you feel insignificant. It’s about perception versus reality in a time when we are flooded with everyone presenting an idealized image of themselves and their lives to the world. The trio explain, “It took on an extra layer of meaning for us after the pandemic began and we all started quarantining, stuck in our houses and apartments, staring into our phones, longing for a different world and becoming overly acquainted with our immediate surroundings.” Quirky melodies and funk-fueled basslines provide the backdrop for their layered harmonies, emitting a summery, feel-good sensation. 

Kershona Mayo



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